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"Face" Album Book Covers

Project type

Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Application, Sequence


May, 2023

Project Description:

In this project, I was tasked with creating a unique and dynamic sequential narrative using a preexisting form of song or poetry to aid the visuals. For my project, I chose the album "Face" by Jimin Park as my initial story idea, and further developed it by creating a different book cover for each song in the album to showcase the sequence of events throughout the songs and how they connect together. To showcase this, I used a variety of images and colors, each being different yet similar to allow the sequence to correlate to one another and appear connected. The typefaces, textures, and effects used on the images were kept the same throughout the covers, so as to provide a sense of connectivity and allow the sequence to feel like a collection or series.

Designs By Ashley Hohneke

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