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Lucid Dreams Movie Poster


November, 2022

Project type

Photography, Ideation, Photoshop, Typography

Project Description:

For this project, I created a movie poster for a fictional movie of my creation. The genre and plot of this poster is centered around a psychological thriller, where the main character is not able to tell dreams from reality, and because of that her life is fragmenting and falling apart. I decided to tell this story through various design choices I used for the poster, such as a glitch effect laid over top of the portrait image as well as the grain. The paper over top of the character's mouth is used to signify the main character slowly being silenced due to her mind fragmenting and the inability to determine truth from fiction. The typographic choices explored in this project allude to the thriller aspect of the genre, and utilize more handwritten and scratchy fonts in order to create this effect.

Designs By Ashley Hohneke

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