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Contrast Project

Project type

Typography, InDesign, Booklet


October, 2023

Project Description:
For this project, I was tasked with creating a concept that included two complete contrasts to one another, and create a compelling typographic booklet composition that illustrated those differences. For my concept, I decided to go with the contrast between the ease of childhood, and the struggles of growing up, and how these parallels are able to convene with another to make us who we are. In order to illustrate this in a creative way, I decided to make a small booklet that showcased the contrast, by using typographic compositions to showcase the difference, as well as various subtle graphics to accompany them. Colors were also very important aspects to this idea, as the bleeding from white and orange, to black, allowed for the reader to feel how the contrasts interacted with one another, and therefore influenced them.

Designs By Ashley Hohneke

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